Category Archives: Site News

New Gigabit Server

Since our previous server had some problems, like low monthly bandwidth usage (and more bandwidth would have cost too much) we've decided to get a new Gigabit server with more bandwidth!

You'll instantly notice that the download speeds are MUCH faster now, real Gigabit speeds! Please consider donating if you like the new server since we didn't get much donations in the last months, and our new server will cost €149 / month!

Hi10 Anime have become 2 years old this month, and we now have faster speeds than ever!

Also, be sure to check out aborwx’s Guides: if you want to learn how to make Hi10 Anime encodes among other things, and our IRC channel guide by Zash if you want to use the IRC.


Regarding the downloads.

As of 2013/08/01 12:00 AM PST, server speed is back.

We currently have monthly 10 TB bandwidth, so the download speeds are set to 50 kB/s. We have to pay more if we exceed this traffic limit, so everything depends on the donations. If we get more donations and we can pay the bandwidth for 50 TB download speeds will be set to 200 kB/s, and with 100 TB bandwidth we can set it to 400-500 kB/s.

To help us not reach our bandwidth limit so quickly, please consider using torrents! Torrent download speeds are also usually faster, than DDL.

Also, be sure to check out aborwx's Guides: if you want to learn how to make Hi10 Anime encodes among other things, and our IRC channel guide by Zash if you want to use the IRC.


New Server

Thanks to the donations, and the new server which Zet has found we could finally upgrade to Gigabit! We hope you'll enjoy the fast download speeds.
The bandwidth isn't unlimited, currently we have 50TB for a month, but if we have enough donations, and support with the ads we can upgrade to 100TB any time, or even more, so if you like the new server please consider supporting us.
Basically the amount of monthly income will decide how much bandwdith we can pay for, thereby how much download speed we can enable / user, currently it's set to 200 kB/s.

We've also added BitCoin to our donations page, as multiple people requested it.
There's also a new poll you can check, about the upcoming Summer season!

To keep the new server alive we’ve enabled for the download links, since 90% of you supported the idea in our previous polls, it should generate enough income to pay the website, at least starting from the next month, if you’d like to support us please don’t use adblockers, and wait 5 sec before a download, it isn’t much time!
Clicksor has been enabled for guests; users who aren’t registered (or aren’t logged in) to the website. If you’d like to support us with Clicksor you need to logout to see the ads, if you don’t want to see Clicksor you can register/log-in to the website, though you can’t support the site like that! I hope everyone is satisfied with this solution.

Do you like this new method, how we added Clicksor ads?

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Important News !

We did everything that we could, and removed the series that Funimation asked after we got the Copyright Infringement letter. Despite all of our efforts, PayPal decided that they won't give our account back, they will hold up to all of our money for 180 days (and pay for any claims from it, which they get until that time), and we won't be able to use their services any more.

Without donations we won't be able to pay our servers, and keep up the website, so we've decided to create some new polls, and ask the opinion from you all:

We won't have PayPal in the future. Can you donate with other services?

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What should we do about the DDLs?

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Please note: without PayPal it probably isn't an option any more (at least not any soon) to update to Gigabit, since we probably won't be able to get $350/month, the current (only one) 100 mbit/sec server, and the website can be paid from $150/month.

If you choose the second option we'd still need money for the website itself, but we could pay that if we're using Adfly for all of our download links, like before (and/or Clicksor):

How should we pay our website? (No DDLs, only the server for the website itself)

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Please note: adfly+clicksor combined may help to pay the DDL server too, but without any donations in itself even both of them would be not enough.


To keep the servers alive we've enabled for the download links, since 90% of you support the idea in the polls, it should generate enough income to pay the website, at least starting from the next month, if you'd like to support us please don't use adblockers, and wait 5 sec before a download, it isn't much time! Clicksor has been enabled for guests: users who aren't registered (or aren't logged in) to the website. If you'd like to support us with Clicksor you need to log out to see the ads, if you don't want to see Clicksor you can register/log-in to the website, though you can't support the site like that, I hope everyone is satisfied with this solution. Since we don't really get donations now that there is no PayPal, this is the only way to keep the site alive.



- We had to remove some of our series, because we got a Copyright Infringement from Funimation. Our PayPal account has been also disabled, until further review, it depends on PayPal if we can use it later, or not, we'll try to work out a solution. We have also added a page about DMCA to our website, and licensed series will be removed in the future, when asked to prevent future conflicts.

- While the DDL links have been updated to point to the new server, the torrents will take some time to be processed separately for corrections. In the meantime, you can read the FAQ to learn how to update the web seeds for the torrent yourself, especially if your torrent is stuck with no seeders.

- Also, we have added Western Union and MoneyGram to our website, as requested! From now on you can send us money with Western Union & MoneyGram, which should work in the whole world, and also for Asian countries !

You can also vote, and tell your opinion about the ads + our servers here!

Continue reading News


Future of Hi10 Anime

We wanted to upgrade to a Gigabit server starting from this month, but sadly we didn't get enough donations to pay our current servers for the next month either, so we've decided to create a poll, and ask you visitors how the site should continue.

The gigabit server could be managed from around $350 / month, which isn't much more then our current $220 / month donations, but the download speed would be 10 times faster (100 mbit -> 1000 mbit), besides that we could have a more stable, better server.

Switching to the new server would have a +$100 additional cost for the first month, as setup-price. Which means, that in the first month we'd need $450, and after that $350/month, but currently we only have $74.29 for the next month + the income from ads.

The income from the ads is the following: already paid us $30 dollars for the first (partial) month when we started using it, and they should pay ~$50 in a few days. Clicksor still didn't paid us a penny, but supposedly we have around $60 unpaid for their ads(?).

So currently we don't even have enough money to pay the current (100mbit) servers, which means that if us (the staff) doesn't pay the remaining amount the downloads won't be available from next week.

Upgrading like this is very doubtful, so we're not sure what to do, and we decided to make a poll to ask you, visitors, of your opinion:

1) Stay with the current servers, everything will be as it is, downloads will be slow, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't (that's because we have to fix them, manually sometimes -> no available staff = no downloads). So nothing will be improved, upgraded, or anything, and if we don't get enough donations the site can probably only shut down.
2) Cancel our DDL servers, the website should remain as it is, and use Fileserver downloads + Torrents, this can be done easily, as it doesn't cost much money.
3) Go for the Gigabit (if we can pay it somehow), and up the monthly donations to $350 / month, while we can provide 10 times (or even) faster download speeds, and a stable server. Like this the site could improve, and we probably would have more visitors, even though this is a big risk in itself, if we can't pay it, we can go back to the current (100 mbit) servers for $220 / month, but if we don't even get that much donations we can only shut down, or use fileservers, like in the previous options.

What should we do with the website?

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* We'd like to try Option 3, but please understand that it is only doable if we get enough Donations... sadly the income in April was unusually small.


Problems with

How to use You can read that here!

Also, we have a new survey about the website, please fill it out! ]

Some of you are having problems with, and there can be numerous reasons as to why. The following solutions should work.

Solution 1: Clear your internet junk i.e. cache

Solution 2: A plugin*+ you have installed in your browser is conflicting with Disable/remove it.
*A download manager you're using could be causing the problem.
+Adblock will send you to the hotlinking page. Adblock is a plugin, so disable it.

Solution 3: If all else fails try incognito mode (Ctrl + Shift + N) ! Incognito mode is a browsing option that doesn't record anything or rely on any plugins to function properly - this solves the problem for the most users!

Solution 4: If every thing fails try another browser, FireFox, Chrome, or use Internet Explorer (From IE the new 10.0 is recommended).

Solution 5: If you can change your IP address - reconnect to the internet, or reset your modem, or restart your PC, this should solve the loop problem.

Solution 6: If your browser wants to play our videos disable the plugin of your movie-player. VLC can cause problems with bad settings, or you can uninstall VLC, and use some of our recommended players.

Solution 7: If you have trouble using Internet Download Manager (IDM), uncheck "capture downloads from the following browser" in options / general, and it will work. Also, you can check this guide with screenshots by exidium.


Solution 8: for anyone from India and other countries where is censored or blocked, it is recommended to use OpenDNS, changing the url from https:// to https:// might fix the problem.

If none of these worked, please post here... Continue reading Problems with