- We had to remove some of our series, because we got a Copyright Infringement from Funimation. Our PayPal account has been also disabled, until further review, it depends on PayPal if we can use it later, or not, we'll try to work out a solution. We have also added a page about DMCA to our website, and licensed series will be removed in the future, when asked to prevent future conflicts.
- While the DDL links have been updated to point to the new server, the torrents will take some time to be processed separately for corrections. In the meantime, you can read the FAQ to learn how to update the web seeds for the torrent yourself, especially if your torrent is stuck with no seeders.
- Also, we have added Western Union and MoneyGram to our website, as requested! From now on you can send us money with Western Union & MoneyGram, which should work in the whole world, and also for Asian countries !
You can also vote, and tell your opinion about the ads + our servers here!

actually it doesn’t matter to me if you put adfly+clicksor. it can be extra amount if number of donator decrease. I hope you can keep your ads.
Clicksor is extremely annoying and it’s good it’s gone. However, I don’t mind adfly, but maybe you could only use it on DDL links. I don’t mind advertising as long it doesn’t have pop-ups.
I don’t mind of there’s adfly and Clicksor as long as it can help the site and the number of donator are decrease. I hope you can keep the ads. Thanks 🙂
i know i couldn’t support it with money power
so, i don’t mind the ads
give it your best hi10 😀
Clicksor ads are the most annoying. Adfly is acceptable but the problem is it makes the links not working for no reason. Basically use ads that are not very intrusive. If you are preparing to move to a new server, you would need to create a backup copy of those files stored in the old server to your pc, and later upload them back if the file transfer from server to server is not possible or perhaps there would be an issue with it.
In the meantime, try to look for another ad service. Adsense is the best among all ads as it rewards you 4 times the amount from both Clicksor and Adfly combined. You will need to prepare additional $100 for the new gigabit server on June.
Go for the ads if they really pays you guys, but don’t continue if they don’t pay at all. I don’t mind the ads as I still able to perform multiple download by opening each of the link in incognito mode, without the ads being locked.
For the server, since most of visitors here are from Asian, I don’t think new gigabit server will effect much, instead of more simultaneous request can be handled, since speed like 1-4 MB/s is already considered as godspeed around Asia although I know that this speed is averagely slow for those who lived outside Asia. However, decision is in your hand. I’ll support any decision you take, all I hoped that the site and its data won’t ever be down.
Last thing, I also like to suggest again about creating multiple option to donate other than PayPal, like using Western Union or such, since some of Asian countries can’t do transaction with PayPal. Also, giving out “something” as reward will increase the donation amount. This method has been proved to be effective by several sites (especially forum sites), by giving out special avatar and/or tags for those who donate up to certain amount. How about trying this method out and see if its works here as well or not?
That’s from me for now. See ya in other occasion 🙂
“speed like 1-4 MB/s is already considered as godspeed around Asia” Haha. I couldn’t say it any better than this. My internet speed at home probably are just around 50-70 KB/s
well if i were u guys i woulda kept adf.ly cuz its not annoying like clicksor ,the only thing u had to do was w8 for 5 secs but clicksor was appearing out of no fucking where and taking u to another web that annoyed me alot anyway gl hi10
For now, Keep the ads for those who aren’t able to donate yet ( including me ). It would be great if you can provide more donation options especially for the Asian.
I’ve asked Kanri to register on Western Union, he tried it, and said we’ll have to wait for an answer, but he’s not sure if it will work or not.
Is there any other way Asians could donate beside Western Union? We’ll add it, if we can.
Beside Western Union, we have MoneyGram.
Well, if we get enough donations as promised we won’t use the ads any more!
If you still would like to support the site with adfly it is possible to do so, before you download a link copy the link address and enter http://adf.ly/4400856/ before the link… which means:
You want to download http://adf.ly/4400856/http://hi10anime.uni.cx/hi10anime2/%5BHi10%5D_Hataraku_Maou_-_sama!_%5B720p%5D/(Hi10)_Hataraku_Maou_-_sama!_-_05_(720p)_(FFF).mkv
Enter the following: http://adf.ly/4400856/!_%5B720p%5D/(Hi10)_Hataraku_Maou_-_sama!_-_05_(720p)_(FFF).mkv
…and you can download through adfly !
If anyone is really interested about this we can make a guide, and you can support is without donating. Though the income will probably very minimal, but it may be still better than nothing.
I think that adfly only counts 5 click from an IP address on a day, and we get around $0.01-$0.001 / click, based on the territory.
Comment deleted ~
Sorry! I misunderstood… Please, delete my comment! Sorry…
dont remove adfly just remove the Clicksor
I have an idea, though I think it has been thought before
Why don’t make membership user?
Premium and free
Premium, of course you know how it works, membership payment and they get a better DDL speed and more benefits
As the free, slow download and of course some ads.
That way this site can earn more, at least more than now
i don’t like this idea
Then that would make this site as-if just another commercial site. This site is free for everyone. That’s all there is. I disagree with that idea
it’ll be like you’re selling the anime indirectly, and that’s make the site not free-sharing based. as far as I know, once a sharing site enters this term, they’re subject for the DCMA complaints.
the worst case, the server might be forced to close and we’ll lost our download site forever.
Do What You Feel Is Best For This Site And Your Fans… Use…ADFLY… If You Want… But Not Clicksor…
A lot of people hate adfly because if they click the download link and wait 5 seconds to skip ad, and if they click another link, they can’t skip the ad even if they click many times.
For me I don’t have any problem like this ’cause after the skip ad to download the file after that I close the browser the reopen it so that I can download another link and I repeat this when I want to download another link. And I advice this to try this method.
I continue to support the site with adfly.
For adfly. i’m don’t mind it, maybe just on the pop-up. well…. i’m download the anime in here almost free anyway. as long as there is a trick using adfly. i can handle the thing. for your server….i’m not really mind it even if it slow(?) i never complain it to this site EVER! the cause that make my Internet Speed go down is because my STINGY INTERNET PROVIDER, if i get lucky i can download so fast but sometimes not. and it’s not like i’m a noob OTAKU who don’t even have single anime and trying to download from the start. i’ve been about 13 years so that’s why i’m not complain about anything in here 😀 you’ve been giving the best so far!
I don’t care about adfly… If it will help you even a bit then use it… But don’t never, ever use fileservers… They are not reliable… Today your files are online… Next day, file has been removed… That is really annoying… What I like the most about your site is there is no such problem and movies quality are top grade with less size… I know a site that have high quality animes like this but they use filesevers… I want some anime that didn’t have here and I tried to download… It said “File has been removed”… That sucks… I can’t donate the money [ even if I want to ] because my country have no online money transaction… Don’t ask me which country it is… It is just a developing country… I think it will take a few years for that… 🙁 If adfly give you a bit of money, use it then… So, I can support your site even a bit… 😛
I noticed you went with having three options (DDL, torrent and ad.fly).
Good thinking.
It’s simple and allows people to choose.
And I will gladly hit the ad.fly button to help the site.
Mehhhh Adflly is gud if it helps earn cash.
Upgrading the server though……that’s gonna be hard.
I mean you guys don’t get enough donations as of now
Imagine if you got a server that costs 350$ a month.
If you could handle the expenses it would be great.
But as of now just stick with the 220$.It’s fast enough.
Will keep on spreading about the site.Hope it helps
Seems that most people around here just love to download, but in the end no one really wants to pay, and I understand some people just can’t but even the smallest bit heps. I’d help out towards the Gigabit since I actually must say I really enjoy your encodes, and have downloaded a literal metric-shiton. but in the long run as many people said it’s hardly reaching the 220 a month as it is, and as cool as it would be I doubt it would be hitting the 300+ a month afterwards.
I’ll still continue to support when and how I can though. Cheers.
Actually, I find that true enough. Well, for some of us, as much as we would like to help, we just can’t. I don’t even have a paypal, moneygram, etc account to even begin with. But I wish for those who can help, please do so.
since they’ve added Western Union, i might join up and donate for you guys, since its the only payment method that accessible from my place. even MoneyGram won’t work here.
3 or 5 adfly still make sense for me
we can skip like no yesterday by this
but clicksor it’s really annoy
ouch, i mean no tomorrow.
PLEASE dont go to file hosters, they have too much issues. the site is the best site for anime the way it is now
Just donated 40$. I’d like to note that this is in direct and explicit appreciation that you removed the ads (making it possible for me again to just right-click and download).
thank you aris… much appreciated 🙂
I don’t care about the ads as long this site still work on
i will always support this site
finally we reach more than $230. \(^_^)/…
finally we reach more than $450. \(^_^)/…
Excellent site, more than appreciate the DD, torrents, don’t even mind the AD flys, Before i make my donations this weekend what are the users preferences regarding MoneyGram, Credit card or Paypal?
Hopefully I made the right choice with my last donation as it was quite a generous one to push it over the top to get the gigabit, I just don’t want to put this site in a position where it can’t support it’s self due to the fact my wallet however extra money I have is not unlimited. It’s nice to see that there are a few others who donate quite a bit to the site also. I look forward to see what the future has in store for this site.
Keep up the good work.
Ah, I noticed it. Thanks 4 your generous donation.
thanks man ..
it seems that the target money for upgrading to gigabit has beed reached.. and say goodbay to slow download speed for DDL ..
many thanks to all donator and all staff hi10anime…
the only think for the poor like me can do is just to keep clicking those ads button every day.. and i’m happy to do that..
may this site will live like forever…
yeah, now I can donate to this site. ^^
but, I’m a little confused. :'(
in this photo.
I need, destination, receiver (first name, last name and address.)
I’ll ask this from Zet, and it will be “fixed” soon!
Thanks for your report.
Thanks Sync. ^^
me and my friend wanted to donate, but we do not have PayPal. :'(
now, if we could use Western Union.
we can donate and support this site. ^^
I’ve updated the informations on the Donate page, now you should be able to donate with Western Union!
I don’t mind Adfly since those ads don’t bother much and if it helps I’m ok with it.
There’s also Bitcoin what’s getting a lot of attention recently and offers fast and simple payments if you don’t mind converting them at an exchange back to USD.
And as a little request: could it be mandatory to add the CRC in the filenames? I had a few broken files and only noticed because the video was all blocky. Some other files I downloaded twice because I thought they were broken too, but actually the files themselves were messed up when they got muxed (was patched later). I always verify CRC’s so it’s easier to notice download errors.
still doesn’t work to me. http://adf.ly/4400856/http://hi10anime.uni.cx/ always refer to http://hi10anime.com/hotlinking/
is there still a download limitation, like 3 simultaneous download only?
work now, so we just have to click the link. thanks minna…
the new server can resume a ddl right or not ? because my ddl stopped and can’t resume again,,,
It always support resume option… Why can’t you resume it?
By the way, the speed is over 100 kbps now… Faster than old server… Thanks…
over 230 KB/s in my case. XD
My max speed around here is 250 kbps… That only happened in early morning… Damn, my country Internet connection is too slow… I want high speed… High speed… WA AHAHAHAHAHAH…
where are you come from Rurouni?
I came from Japan! 😀
It’s a joke…
Myanmar… You don’t know that country… Located South East Asia… Hosted SEA Games for this year tournament…
haha, a nice joke. you know, I from South East Asia too, Indonesia. 😀
since the internet service provider still quite expensive here, so I use some trick to get free internet. XD
and tara,….
it has been 3 month, and still work until now. already download > 500GB from here. 😀
maybe it because your download is old server, and now the link has change. it’s happen to me, I try to refresh download address. after I click the link, it start from beginning…
Ah, yes… It happened to me too… Need to download from zero :(… You can’t resume it coz the address is changed…
where’s the different link from old to the new oneee
this is the old one :
this is the new one : http://adf.ly/4400856/http://hi10anime.uni.cx
Cant dl any torrent or dl link. doesn’t work for me at all. =)
Some Direct Download doesn’t work.
What happened to the alphabetical list with all the anime you are working on go? The page doesn’t exist anymore and I was wondering if you could add it back.
I Totally agree
maybe they are still repairing the those link.
what are you talking about?? i dont get it..
didn’t U read at update page…?
“Sort this page alphabetically by clicking on ‘TITLE’.”
Oh dam**t ,, the download speed is very slow.. is this site still in maintenance or what…??
seems that the number of downloader in this site right now is TOO DAMN HIGH….. T_T
I agree. If anything, the download speed has become slower due to the large number of downloaders.
(Maximum for me is 30 KB/s…)
Hi, I seem to be having problems with DDL links. They say they’re fully downloaded and when I go to watch the episode/movie it only has the first couple of minutes. I thought it might’ve been a mistake but when I tried the links again it was still broken. I can’t use torrents so DDLs are the only way for me to get the anime. Are you still doing repairs? Thank you and have a great night<3
Sometimes… Downloading can be a bit of a Problem for most of us Fans. Depending on what time of Day or Night we Download. All Sites have there little Problems. No ones Perfect… Thats For Sure… This is a Fantastic Site & And a Fantastic Team of Guys… Who do all they can too Help us. You Guys Are The Best!!
Everything seems to be working now. Thank you guys for your hard work. Have a fantastic summer<3
Yeah… Have a Great & Rain Free Summer… Too All The Fans & Too All The Guys At…HI10!!
Respect… Too All!!
at least the server is better than before. 🙂
So like my anon small donation of 30$ went through this morning, hope that helps in a big way to maintain this excellent site. What even better i notice a lot more anime added…. THANX ALOT!!!
Thanks a lot, Zahid.
I must say… The Downloading Times have got alot better. Over the past few Days. Thats all Down too the Fans & the Guys at… HI10 Anime… Who are a Credit too us all… For keeping this Great Site Alive… These are Tough times we all live-in. And Money is Short for all of us… Thats For Sure… Has a Fan… Thank You All For Keeping This Site Alive & Kicking!!.
Respect & Honor Too All…
I really just wanted to thank you so much. I’m more than satisfied. The download speed and the speed of the website itself has improved so much. I mean, I am still a student but from October on I am going to work part-time and then I will definitely start donating, because this is just great!
Keep on going.
I Agree… Times like these are not easy for anyone. And even Harder with all these cuts… Going on as well… But this Site will all ways… Rock n Roll… As they all ways have done…
I put the Icing on the cake.
and by that i mean I topped it off, I look forward to the future of Hi10. Thanks for your hard work.
can u put it back the alphabetical order in projects link..
can’t DL the old ones.
thank you..
thanks for the hard works mate.
See this:
Guys,I’m currently downloading Hanasaku Iroha[BD 720p] and I’m stuck at 65.4% and i don’t have any peers and download rate,But in the past few days my download rate was so fast but now,How can i fix this?I really love this series and many of my friends recommend this to me,How can i fix this?
Please Help me guys..
Did you update the torrent file? since last week we changed one of the servers and the web seed wasn’t working anymore (because it used the old server IP), 2-3 days ago I fixed the IP and now it should download correctly from the new server, try redownloading the .torrent file:
The hash didn’t change so it will automatically syncronize with your current download. If it still doesn’t work, try reading this guide:
Thanks a lot,I got confused on the new server rules & regulations and i forgot to update the new torrent file by the way I download the new file..Thank you again RanD it works on me now. :))
Can any one…HELP ME… I Went Over The Top A Little About My Comments. Can You PLEASE Delete It. It Was a Bit of a Joke at First… But When I Read it Again it was way abit too much… I’m Very Sorry About It PLEASE DELETE The Last Few Comments…Thank You
Done, dude. Don’t worry, I didn’t mind at all. It’s one of the many ways I try to have fun with users. xD
Yeah But Sometimes I just get too carryed away my english is not perfect and i’ve got alot too learn. comments like that will not help me what so-ever.I love this site and I don’t won’t too mess things up at all… Again I’m so very sorry about that and you for one… You Are a Good Soul Let me tell you. Can you also Delete the comment above the one that you commented on that started all this mess in the first place… You are the Best of the Best Zeust… Thank You Ever So Much… Mate… I O You One Big Time…
Dude, don’t worry. There’s no negative comment of yours out there… No one’s tracking you down… (except me xD)
Zeust… Can you PLEASE DELETE all the ones From when I asked for help… Too this one as Well… Mate Thank You again Zeust… Your The Man
Your The Greatest…Dude… Ever!! No Doubt About It… Zeust… The BEST…
I Would Like Too Say… Because I Am In A Good Mood This Morning… That This Site…HI10 Anime… And The Staff As Well… Are The GREATEST Ever. Bunch of Guys There Has Ever Been. And For That I Thank You Ever So Much!!. Fantastic…
Download speed for me hasn’t improved even after the server upgrade. I am still getting less 25 KB/sec …
I am downloading Ore no imouto s2 ep 10 and…I am getting only 30-40KB/sec on an average.
Please help!
I think 40kbyte/s is probably the best you can get for direct downloads right now, we’ve a 100 mbit/s total bandwidth and currently there’re probably more than 300 downloads connected to the servers, so if you consider:
100 mbit/s = 100000 kbit/s = 12500 kbyte/s total
And you divide it for the total number of downloads:
12500 / 300 = 42 kbyte/s
That is the max speed, for direct downloading. Otherwise you can always use the torrent, usually it has a lot better speed, unless the torrent file is outdated (and if that’s the case you just need to tell me, and I’ll update it asap 😉 ). Next month we’re getting a better bandwidth so the speed will probably increase (double at least).
thanks for replying… I will wait for the next upgrade.
i dont know but in the past few day (after your server is up precisely) my Dl speed was so low
Is there still any trouble in your server ??? or maybe thing like this only happen at southeast asia area ??
as addition the speed was so much better with your old server (in my case)
I typically use torrentz to DL b/c their quicker in my case, but I was hoping someone could clarify how to update the web seed. I know how to do it on my windows utorrent client, but haven’t been able to figure it out on my mac’s utorrent client. any suggestions?
I have been trying to download Naruto Shippuden through utorrent after you updated your server but i am not getting any speed at all; the average speed i am getting is 24KB/s where’s my normal download speed is 60KB/s. I even updated the webseed which u guys mentioned to do if the dl speed is slow, but its still the same as before. Pls help me out !
Why can’t I download more than 2 files at a time? I keep getting the error message “You already have 3 simultaneous ongoing downloads” even though I only have 2 files dl’ing. This only started happening after the server upgrade.
We have currently set the limit to 2 downloads at a time and have not had a chance to update that message.
could we know which series have been taken down? thanks
URL(s) of Infringed Works or Right:
So we’re going to follow bakabt’s DO NOT UPLOAD list from now on: http://wiki.bakabt.me/index.php/DO_NOT_UPLOAD
so that series from your link above will not get update from go on?
oh shitt…
by the way, what is dmca anyway aborwx-san?? i don’t understand, can you explained to me
DMCA is a shorthand for “Digital Multimedia Copyright Act”, or simply put, an act about copyright and licensing on digital and multimedia files, such as Anime, Manga and stuffs.
are all the series included in the list of bakabt will be remove here to?
Will you also remove what’s on the Bakabt list as well ? If yes , when ? I want to download all of remaining blacklist that still exist here 😛
No ONE PIECE….. can you make a secret release of it????
I thought a private server is invulnerable to DCMA???
It isn’t invulnerable, our PayPal account (with all of our money + some of Kanri’s personal money) is already disabled, if we don’t follow Funimation’s demand even the website can be in a problem.
Without PayPal we won’t be able to pay our current servers either, not to speak about the Gigabit, which we wanted to upgrade…
If we can’t get back our PayPal account in 2 weeks the site will be in serious problem, as we won’t be able to pay it any more, unless people are willing to donate with Western Union, MoneyBookers, or some different methods.
If PayPal finds that we caused exposure for them with the copyright infringement it’s even possible that we won’t get back our money either, or only a part of it, but either ways their investigation can take up to 180 days in the worst case…
So in short: You’ll have to find One Piece on a different website, we won’t be able to upload it to here any more, and currently we also have bigger problems, sadly. Probably none of you would be happy if our site needs to shut down completely, with all of the encodes, and not only One Piece.
if the site goes down wouldnt a last resort be torrents and some free website blogspot or something?
I smell a TRAITOR here. Someone must have told Funimation about this site
DAM, just when we just solved last month problem and upgrade to a new server.
This DMCA just have to kicked in at this time.
This is seriously some real adversity this time around – I thought funding was teh last big hurdle. But I guess the logic comes first – disable what you need to and get the PayPal back up. One Piece fans will be gutted, no doubt, but The BAKABT Do Not Post list is kinda heart breaking, since it has a lot of beautiful anime on there. My suggession would be to go little by little (drop the bare minimum/titles under scrutiny we need to avoid copyright and stay under the radar) and keep going. Purging the lot would be tantamount to depleting half of teh quality rips you guys have done so far.
Good Luck Sempais.
Now now, lets not get hasty here, i reckon we should only remove those that are required and hope they leave us alone… >__<
DMCA, huh? You do NOT have to remove licensed series, all you have to do is to ban US IP range for those files, that’s all ^^ (this solved this very same problem for me in the past)
I’m not sure that’s enough and we cant take the risk, because we actually need the paypal account back.
Our DDL / Web-servers are in Europe, and they also got the Copyright Infringement letter already. Besides the DMCA they also mentioned the following:
“Dutch Notice & Takedown Procedure, European Union Copyright Directive and the Berne Convention”
Either ways, we did what they asked, so hopefully the website won’t be removed.
Why not change the website name and server so no DCMA?
oh god .. the day that i am very scare the most finally has come to this site .. but its too soon than i was thought… i dont know what to do, if all anime in here is removed..
this site is like heaven for me…
is there any list of removed anime..?
Scroll up.. there is a list of what they have removed so far.
Funimation asked us to remove the following series specifically:
And if we didn’t remove them in 24 hours our servers, and the website would be already forced to shut down. Also, our PayPal account (with all of the donations on it) is disabled already, but it should be reactivated since we did what they asked, the problem is that it may take 30-180 days.
Just wondering, could we negotiate with Funimation so we can have the series posted back here?
I believe that they suspect for us (or maybe the server that our DDL server are in), for selling those series illegally. If we tell them that we just sharing (hosting) it, then it might be no problem. However, all the fansubs are doing the same thing as what we do here, right?
As far as I read the DMCA Sect 512, as long as any party doesn’t receive direct financial benefit, it should be okay to share even the copyrighted and licensed materials, under the term “Non-Commercial”.
I think it’s not that easy, crunchyroll used to be an unauthorized streaming site, then they signed multiple contracts but to stream their shows they had to pay a license for every title and every nation, also if another site already has a license for a specified show, it cannot be purchased multiple times, and other than that, there’re no licenses for direct download sites like this. I don’t know what exactly they mean with “non-commercial” it’s a complicated matter, if the meaning were really literary then I think there would be many and many more sites like this but, sadly it’s not the case. All we can do is hope for a massive change in copyright laws, maybe some day.. or wait for the FUNi licenses to expire.
Lose all the One Piece/Bleach/Naruto/Fairy Tale fanboys and you wont have to upgrade the servers 😛
Being a FT fanboy myself, it’s really a sad thing losing such a great title, all the hours the encoder spent to encode every file, the time to upload them, fixing the problems and all.. but this really happened and they had to be removed, otherwise the whole site could (probably) get shut down totally. Anyways, a miracle may happen and laws may change some day, who knows.. for now keep following the news, also we’ve a new forum available here:
Well, once Funimation’s license expires we probably could add Fairy Tail (and some other series) back, though that will probably take years.
Will you be able to get back those deleted series if you resolve the problem? Is it even possible to upload it again? I’m just curious so I asked 🙂
I don’t think that’s possible but, keep following the news, also minasan we’ve a new forum where you can stay updated about the recent events:
Thank you for answering me Rand. Hope you can resolve this major problem and be able to overcome this big of a hurdle.
More power to you and the guys behind Hi10. We’ll be cheering you on throughout this conflict. Good luck guys.
from yesterday conversation that might be impossible, fue fue fue~ but if Black Rebellion is the Last Trump maybe there is a hope just don’t GIVE UP!
Please list the series that will remove from this site so that we know what it is. 😀
so sad that date a live removed 🙁
where can i see a list of the removed series ?
and, is there any chance of those removed series to be encoded again in this site ?
hope ONE PIECE series will be back…tsk
why did you delete my comments?