Hi10’s Potential Future Moving Forward


Important News:

It's been a while since my last post about stuff related to the site and things have been slowly shifting towards our goal of providing high-quality releases without breaking the bank around here. Namely, spending $250/month on our server. Before I get too deep into our plans, I have some other important news to share with everyone.

Due to their lack of free time by becoming a corporate slave (just kidding btw), Zeust will be stepping down as our leader and I will be handling everything moving forward. Rest assured, Zeust will always remain as the almighty God of hi10 even in death.


Testing Out Our New Provider:

Starting in the spring 2025 season, we'll be including links to our B2 storage in posts alongside our existing links for our main server. This will allow us to get a better idea of performance when users are accessing the B2 storage and if any problems arise (slow download speeds under heavy traffic, etc.) that will need to be reviewed before fully committing to our proposed solution.

If things with our B2 storage testing proceed well over the spring 2025 season, we'll be able to reduce our monthly costs down to $112/month with the ability to scale up as needed. Whereas we can't scale up with our current server provider without getting a new configuration to allow for changes to network speeds and storage space increases as we're getting closer to our maximum capacity. It can go as low as $100/month, but since we're approaching our storage limits of 16tb, more space will be needed for future releases.


Be sure to let us know if you're experiencing issues with the B2 server in this post so everything can be centralized here. Here's hoping to a brighter and more affordable future for hi10anime!


7 thoughts on “Hi10’s Potential Future Moving Forward”

  1. Thank you to everyone from Hi10Anime team who was involved even for a brief amount of time in the past.

    Especially, playcool, you have outdid yourself. Thank you so much for taking out your quality time to provide many quality encodes.

    I love you guys. I will always be here to support Hi10Anime.

    P.S. If needed, I can upload my One Piece encodes on MEGA or GDrive since 807-1122. (not my best encodes but better than average, not ordered + 720p) – Hatsuyuki (807-998) + HatSubs(999-1122) + (Special Episodes from RedDeadProject – 1000, 1061,1062,1071-76).. everything mux by myself. Source is either 1080p and very hard to DL those Hatsuyuki episodes but I did them anyways.

    P.S.S. Welcome to corporate life, zeust-kun.

      1. Hiso

        Dunno if you are adressing our encodes now vs a few years ago, if so, the main difference is due to including OPED in the files, doing OCed chapters is just not viable anymore, and most releases don’t need it, since size can be kept in control with decent quality.
        Anything that escapes that situation usually gets OCed release from me.

        Encoding One Piece again would be a nightmare, and I think that series has never used OCed chapters for starts due to its length.
        Since we are understaffed, I think it is not worth it, we would prefer to conver new airings.

    1. I would have to disagree considering my performance these past 2 years, if you are EXCLUDING airings, cuz yeah, each staff member has started to pick more of them so we can cover what is relevant.

      But I have fallen of on my BD projects quite a lot, and a lot of them was almost ready just needed an extra push, but the longer you do this, the harder sometimes is to have motivation.
      More recently the problem was imgur BS (previously uploaded all pics to my account) , which had me adapt quite a lot (now I don’t use one, and have to keep track of each pic link), and now I have just grown tired of dealing with all the steps that have to occur after you get your release ready, but before you can post it.
      Dealing with all the HTML code when tackling a lot of projects is a nightmare, I always use more time than I would like, if you are curious what I m referring to,I have addressed it plenty here:

      That kind of post exists due that, and me reliance on such post structure will only increase for airings moving forward.

      1. I always followed and read your comments, playcool. You are already doing more than enough haha. Sometimes, our standards are higher, sometimes we OCD so we have to have everything perfect. I understand that, I am developer.
        Don’t lose your motivation, You followed up on many projects over the years and encodes them with love. Thank you as always.
        P.S. LordNoro, cheers, here is to the long journey ahead of us. Don’t overexhaust yourself, stay motivated.


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