Hi10 wishes you a Merry Christmas. Live long & live happy.
Continue reading MERRY CHRISTMAS | メリークリスマス
Hi10 wishes you a Merry Christmas. Live long & live happy.
Continue reading MERRY CHRISTMAS | メリークリスマス
26 Nov, 2019
Bandwidth Traffic Switch.
Need I say more than Relish XD
Hi10 wishes you a Merry Christmas. Live long & live happy.
Continue reading Merry Christmas | メリークリスマス
We have replaced the HDD, and the downloads are back!
If you experience any issues please post it here and we will fix it.
One of our HDD died, which also contains the OS so about 30% of our downloads are not accessible at this time from the main Gigabit server.
May your Ramadan fasts be accepted by The Higher Throne.
Hi10 wishes you a blissful Eid.
Continue reading Happy EID-ul-Fitr | EID Mubarak!
Continue reading Long Live The Queen: 92nd Version
>> Also, some of the older news, which were highlighted:
May 19, 2016 - We got a new/faster server for the website!
We had a website downtime today, because our provider said we are using up too much resources. Right now our website runs on a vserver, and they asked us to update to a dedicated server, because the load is too high...
Mar 09, 2016 - HDD Problem
One of our HDD completely died, so restoring data isn't possible, BUT, don't worry! We have already replaced it with a new HDD and our staff has started reuploading the missing files. It will take some time this way, however we will try to reupload everything!
However if you'd like to download some older stuff and you get "Forbidden" error this is the cause.
Dec 13, 2015 - Download Limit Removed
We've great news today! We've improved our download servers, and removed the 3 downloads / user limit. Now you can download as much files as you'd like to! A lot of users asked for this, so I hope everyone is happy about the news...
Nov 01, 2014 - Thanks for everyone's help, now we've updated our servers, and have 7 TB hard disk space overall, so we don't have to delete anything any more! Our costs had to be increased to €120/month, we hope there won't be problems, and we can upload a lot of new releases for you, both in BD 720p, and 1080p!
Sep 01, 2014 - It was very hard to maintain the costs of our previous server, as we needed to pay 200 EUR/month, and usually we got 100 EUR, or less. We've looked for an alternative, and found an another Gigabit provider, which provides us the same service, for a lot cheaper. The server specs are lower, of course, but you shouldn't really notice anything from that, as it's still enough, and the download speeds may be even faster, as we don't have a monthly bandwidth limit with this host! This way we can pay both of our servers from 100 EUR/month, so we hope we can get enough donations, and maintain our servers this way, without problems!
June 21, 2014 - We've changed the design of the website after 3 years, we hope that everyone will enjoy the new layout!
June 20, 2014 - Thanks for everyone who helped out, the issue about "SERVER SPACE ALMOST NULL" has been solved, we've successfully upgraded our server, and now it has 6 TB of disk space !
June 19, 2014 - About the advertisements on the website! We've got several feedbacks about the current bc.vc ads, which loads every time visitors click on a link, and considering them we'll test out another type of ads in the upcoming days... please leave your feedback here, if it works better for everyone (I've also added a poll, so you can vote about it!) we'll use them in the future instead!
We hope everyone has a great summer, and we'll try to bring you the best anime series of the summer, as usual! Don't forget that the new season already starts in a few weeks!
The new season has started, we hope you will enjoy the new series!
You can check out the new Spring 2014 anime series here!
To read informations about the donation system, and our ads please click here!
If you like our website, and the releases you can support us by donating. We’re also accepting PayPal, you can send an e-mail for the details, if you’re interested!