You hoped? I delivered.
Continue reading Happy Ramadhan | Ramadhan Mubarak | مبارك رَمَضان
Server is Back!
We have replaced the HDD because the previous one died. If you experience any problems you can report it here.
Enjoy the downloads!
Some of you reported problems, they are also fixed now!
We, hereby, inform you formally that our server is down at the moment for maintenance. Please hold your horses and stop spamming about this on other posts. If you don't have any horse, hold your dog -or- maybe cat. On the off chance, hold your hamster too if you got one.
Meanwhile, you can focus on your life and try some rehab sessions. Once we get the server back online, you can sniff your stuff all you want.
Eta : 28th Feb - 07th March
We'll be providing you new content, however, through our secondary server. ETA is for the availability of content that is already on server.
We wish a Merry Christmas to all of our dear visitors and also a
Happy New Year!
We hope there will be a lots of great anime next year too, and that you will watch it with us, here at Hi10 Anime!
Continue reading Merry Christmas!
Our site has switched to the HTTPS protocol, which is more secure than the standard HTTP. Continue reading Switched to DARK & DARK HTTPS
The fans of Hi10, the time you were waiting for has arrived. And all you can do is wave at it as this moment goes by. I, hereby, present you with the answers you guys have been looking for.
Continue reading I THINK THEREFORE I AM
Can't play the encodes or there is some problem while playing it? Heads up to our new Playback Guides and see if there is a solution for it!
All right guys, before the next season starts (Summer 2017), we have decided to explicitly recruit more encoders. The rationale behind this is... Ano-ne, mo... genkai desu, which means many of us are working on BDs or some projects that are tedious resulting in delayed / abandoned ongoing shows. There are a few like me who usually lurk around and cover the abandoned shows when they feel like it, but we believe we should just nip the bud in the evil. Therefore, we are hereby recruiting encoders openly.
Continue reading Are you Hi? Hi10 is recruiting!!