Servers have been upgraded.
Also, I'd like to take this moment and mention that since we migrated to new servers, we had to pay for those servers in advance which came from the pocket of one of our staff i.e. β¬130. This is what we have to pay every month as well. It would be really nice if you guys can chip-in some amount to compensate for what we paid in advance and to pay for our servers for coming month(s).
If you've noticed our SSL certificate, it's a paid SSL from Comodo but its cost is not included into anything. SSL subscription cost will go from our pocket money, not from donations, at all. The reason we're using it instead of free SSL is because one of our staff had this subscription already and adding this domain wasn't a big deal.
To donate, email us at
- 05 Dec, 2018: Site has been migrated.
- 06 Dec, 2018: Comodo SSL is implemented.
- 08 Dec, 2018: Server content has been migrated.
If you encounter any glitches or problems in authentication procedure, please refresh your cache and most importantly cookies!
PS : Stay calm and watch Gintama.
What should I do if i watched whole Gintama, Senpai?
It’s easy. You re-watch it.
I re watched it 4 times now in total
You haven’t watched gintama unless you’ve watched it 10 times
ask kintoki man
Looks like HTTPS is currently broken.
We’re waiting to get new SSL certificates becuz of the migration. After we receive them, everything should be green.
HTTPS is on, baby.

Hmm. Why Comodo, though? Let’s Encrypt would do the trick just fine.
It’s for free and easy to setup if you are using a root server? :S
Cheers π
Because I had a paid SSL subscription.
Hmmn, yeah, but why though since it has been free for years?
You are sure you still don’t need another asset in your IT? :S
I’ld also suggest something else than WordPress, in the end, something custom made.
Greetings π
I actually panic few hours ago when the site is seems offline. good luck guys!
I think I found a bug.
Some links, for example the Shingeki no Kyojin Movies lead to “crosslinking not allowed” pages.
Could it be that only the old servers are whitelisted?
Just to let you know π
It’s fixed.
Thanks for the great work!
black lagoon anime links broken fix it
They should be working fine.
Keep up the great work guys!
I was trying to download 3-gatsu no lion, but when I click any of the download links, it’s showing “Server Error; X01; Hot-linking”. I don’t understand what’s happening here.
Clear your cookies and caches for the browser you’re using and try downloading the files again.
I can’t find “Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai”.
Can you fix it please?
It’s been set up to go live at a specific time. It’s reading at 12 p.m. today currently. So, just give it some time (10 hours roughly) and you’ll be able to download the new eps.
Woah… liking the full-width layout.
All the download links for Gakuen Babysitters give a 502 Bad Gateway server error.
Seishun Buta and Tensei Shitara giving 502 Bad Gateway server error.I am from INDIA maybe that’s the problem ? Anyways thanks for all the hardwork u guys put in your encodes π
I was receiving some 502s previously because the domain for downloads was changed from to That might be the problem for some of the links if they haven’t been changed over yet.
I’m still having some issue with the certificate because the domain it’s issued for ( doesn’t cover the main site ( (In layman’s terms, HTTPS may be working, but there isn’t a green padlock in the address bar because Chrome/Firefox/etc. can’t verify that the site is who it says it is.)
I’ve weakened my certificate validation settings temporarily to allow the page access to go through, but I think it’d be better to take siragnos argun’s suggestion and generate a free certificate for the main site using Let’s Encrypt instead of reusing a cert from a different domain. Leaving the cert this way opens the door for domain hijacking attacks since the cert isn’t validating the domain at the moment.
Thanks for you concern but you can’t just use a SSL certificate from different domain. SSL certificate is only valid if the domain, in our case
, is being verified by it. The reason you’re getting this error is because of inefficient certificate resolution your browser is using. Meaning, you need to update your browser(s) to make it seamless. We’re using a multi-domain SSL and it’s PERFECTLY fine to use it here.As for domain hijacking, SSL / TLS / HTTPS has nothing to do with it. No way, you can find an exploit in SSL connection to actually hijack a domain. To hijack domains, you have go around a different way which you can look up on internet.
Again, thanks for worrying but everything is fine regarding SSL.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my comment. You’re right on both fronts and I was wrong, your cert is definitely valid and covers
I looked into my issue, and it looks like the problem is that the certificate chain is incomplete (, which most browsers can deal with but mine chokes on. It seems the best practice server-side is to send the entire cert chain and is pretty straightforward (described here:
It really wasn’t a big deal but even that is fixed now.
Sirius the Jaeger also gives me 502 bad gateway.
Edit: 500 Internal Server Error, not 502 bad gateway. My bad.
I was downloading Kara no Kyoukai 720p torrent before the migration, paused the torrent, now I resumed it but doesn’t work anymore, so I read, put in Web Seed but Utorrent says “B0rked reason: invalid http response code (410): Gone”!
new servers OP . love the fast download speed . time to switch back to hi10 <3
I cannot download anything anymore. Tried it with eg “Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san”. Every method (spaste, ouio, linkshrink) only brings up the error “Server Error / X01 / Hot-Linking / You cannot acess this unless visiting it from our website. Access from other sites is disabled.”
Then there is “That’s what you can do” with a button saying “Home Page” pointing at, but when I click I see “Server Error / 403 / Forbidden / You do not have permission to access this document” with more non-working navigation links.
Same with every other anime on the website. Already restarted my browser (Firefox), flushed all cookies and turned off plugins (oh gawds the popups!)
Try the incognito mode of your browser. (or maybe try chrome).
Tried another browser.
Tried via proxy.
Booted Linux and tried FF there (no plugins at all).
Always with the same results.
Wtf is the server expecting so it will let me download?
And yes, I do see the eg linkshrink referer in the sent headers.
Tell me what posts you’re getting the problem for? If you click on any
link referrers, you should get a original link after clearing the captcha, can you share that final link?I tried /archives/80796 but it’s the same for others I tried (eg /archives/81556).
From spaste I get “Your link is :[Hi10]_Joshiochi!_2-kai_kara_Onnanoko_ga_Futtekita_[720p]/(Hi10)_Joshiochi!_2-kai_kara_Onnanoko_ga_Futtekita_-_01_(720p)_(SubDESU-H)_(0698D0FB).mkv
“.Headers in FF are:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
DNT: 1
Connection: keep-alive
These are not valid urls. Upon clicking on links, an auth-token is appended to urls and validating that will let your download files. But your links (as spaste returned) have no auth-token appended. This probably means that you’re either using a weird old browser, which seems not to be the case, you’re using any extension that blocks the execution of Javascript code that attaches auth-tokens or you are not letting the page load fully.
I think I exhausted all my options now. I installed latest Chrome on a virgin Windows machine and it did not work either. There was absolutely nothing that did not come with Windows or Chrome on that machine. Tested it via Tor too, no success. Javascript is working or I couldn’t go through the ad-links captcha etc.
What’s that token supposed to look like? When I copy&paste the download links, I get eg…)_(0698D0FB).mkv (shortened for readability).
There is no token or anything appended. I didn’t see anything in the html source either.
Usually, a Javascript code will append code like
. That part after.mkv
is used to validate the authenticity of how the link was clicked. Problem isn’t your system or network, it’s a problem of Javascript not getting executed for some reason (for you). I haven’t come across anyone who had your problem and we’ve got thousands of visitors daily.Are you sure, you’re actually visiting the site manually (not a bot) and letting the page load completely before clicking anything? Because, that code runs after the page has been loaded fully.
I redownloaded Chrome and tried in a VM again, this time with success. Maybe since I waited for it to load fully; it takes up to a minute until everything is loaded so I guess some http resources are blocking because the layout itself looks complete.
I cannot get it to work on my main machine for whatever reason though, meaning I will always have to spin up a VM to download π
Also, I think I stumbled over a bug with linkshrink: it seems like the URL is limited to 200 chars, so the token gets cut off for some links, like “Joshiochi! 2-kai kara Onnanoko ga Futtekita”
Thanks so far for the help
If you have a stable internet connection, it shouldn’t take more than a couple of secs. The signal is when the spin sign disappears on its own from the browser tab (after loading content). The bug you mentioned for linkshrink isn’t something new and since we don’t have any control over that, we usually try to replace such links with other versions, if there aren’t any.
Having problems downloading JOJO’s torrents.
Error: βServer Error You cannot acess this unless visiting it from our website. Access from other sites is disabled.β
Pretty strange.
Looks like the file server has finally gotten too secure for me.
After trying everything suggested on this page, the most I was getting from it in the last three days was the hotlinking warning, and I can’t get even that anymore.
I would like to thank the people who’s been running this project for the last six years (or more?).
Out of all anime sites that I’ve been using, you were the best by far.
Thank you!
Sure, thanks for your support all this time.
Unable to download after adding torrent. Tried fixing the torrent by changing its web seed but still can’t download it. Most of the torrents i tried are not working after migration (even after changing the web seed like erased, one punch man, Kamisama Hajimemashita S1, Haganai NEXT, and many more). Is there any other way to fix it or is it just me?
Btw torrents added after migration are working fine (like Flying witch) as they have correct web seed.
P.S.- Tried changing web seed which was already in the torrent and also adding web seed from the download link of the torrent as well as the episode.
Flying witch works becuz the webseed is correct like u said. You’re better off DDL’ing the eps since most of the torrents before the migration unless they were brand new at the time, were only getting seeded via the server.
well its pretty time consuming and problematic(for me) to download every episode one by one but i guess no choice huh.
P.S.- Love your encodes guys. Keep up the good work. Cuz i dont wanna go anywhere else. β€οΈβ€οΈ