Continue reading Busou Shinki [10-bit, 720p]
Naruto [10-bit, 480p]
Server Upgrade
Enjoy the downloads, we hope that you'll like the upgrade ! From now on the server should be able to provide satisfactory download speeds, even for the increased number of visitors!
Also, here is the promised surprise!
Naruto - Episode 1-220 is uploaded!
Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 1-294 is uploaded!
Bleach - Episode 1-366 is uploaded!
Continue reading Server Upgrade
Gakkatsu! [10-bit, 360p]
Plot Summary
In a fictional school, "Tender Tank" Rareko is constantly opening absurd yet strangely enthusiastic debates, this way creating a lively classroom life. Bringing up tremendous themes, she and her classmates exchange words like sword-strokes, and here and there even a profound remark is slipped in. Continue reading Gakkatsu! [10-bit, 360p]
Morita-san wa Mukuchi Collection [10-bit, 720p]
Kid the Phantom Thief [10-bit, 720p]
Mitata Universe [10-bit, BD 720p]
Vote for the best anime characters of 2012!
Vote for the best anime of 2012!
Click on "Continue reading" to vote!
Update: You can also check our Vote for the best anime characters of 2012!
Happy new years for everyone!
We hope you'll stay with us again next year! Continue reading Vote for the best anime of 2012!