Nekojiru-sou | Cat Soup [480p]


Synopsis for: Nekojiru-sou | Cat Soup (Winter 2001)
A cat named Nyatto embarks upon a journey to save his sister's soul, which was ripped in two when Nyatto tried to save her from Death. She trails after him, brain-dead. They encounter many brilliant, mind-bending situations, beginning with a disturbing magic show. Continue reading Nekojiru-sou | Cat Soup [480p]

Kowarekake no Orgel | Half-Broken Music Box [BD 1080p]

Kowarekake no Orgel

Synopsis for: Kowarekake no Orgel | Half-Broken Music Box (Fall 2008)
One rainy day, young musician Keiichiro takes shelter in a shrine, where he meets an abandoned android girl, whom he is told may never function well again. Continue reading Kowarekake no Orgel | Half-Broken Music Box [BD 1080p]

Loups=Garous [BD 720p | BD 1080p]

Loups Garous~

Plot Summary
In a near future, the world's population has decreased dramatically due to a deadly virus that terrorized the whole planet.

Now people eat only synthetic food and tend to avoid as much as possible any form of physical connection or "real contact" with living creatures. Real shops have disappeared from the streets, and with the exception of the community centres (what were once called schools), people communicate with each others exclusively online.

But even in this tightly controlled and systematized society, there is a group of young girls who actively pursued real contact. And when a string of brutal murders emerges, their challenge to this closed world is just about to begin. Continue reading Loups=Garous [BD 720p | BD 1080p]


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