The everyday lives of the Minami sisters continue. Chiaki, the youngest, continues to call people idiots while worshipping her eldest sister. Kana, the middle, still can't figure out that Fujioka's feelings for her are a crush, not a grudge. Haruka, the eldest, still unknowingly avoids Hosaka's advances to invite her to the volleyball team, and after a long day of excitement, the sisters enjoy sitting at the table at their home. Continue reading Minami-Ke Tadaima [10-bit, BD 1080p | BD 720p] |
Tag Archives: Minami-ke
Minami-ke OVAs [10-bit, DVD 480p | DVD 576p]
Plot Summary
This is just a plain depiction of the days of the lives of the three Minami sisters. Please don't expect too much.
Continue reading Minami-ke OVAs [10-bit, DVD 480p | DVD 576p]
Minami-ke [10-bit, 720p]
Plot summary
This is just a plain depiction of the days of the lives of the three Minami sisters. Please don't expect too much.
Continue reading Minami-ke [10-bit, 720p]