During October of his third year in high school, Koyomi Araragi is introduced to a transfer student named Ougi Oshino by his underclassman Kanbaru Suruga. Ougi tells Koyomi that she has something she wishes to consult with him. When she draws the map of Naoestu High School, she finds something peculiar on the map of Naoetsu High School she draws. This discovery reveals a tale that wasn’t meant to be told, and this makes Koyomi’s high school life totally different. This is the story that brings to light “what” makes Koyomi Araragi. This is the story that reveals the “beginning” of everything. Continue reading Owarimonogatari 2nd Season [HEVC, BD 720p | BD 1080p]→
One year after the SAO incident, Kirito is approached by Seijiro Kikuoka from Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Department "VR Division" with a rather peculiar request.
That was an investigation on the "Death Gun" incident that occurred in the gun and steel filled VRMMO called Gun Gale Online (GGO). "Players who are shot by a mysterious avatar with a jet black gun lose their lives even in the real world..." Failing to turn down Kikuoka's bizarre request, Kirito logs in to GGO even though he is not completely convinced that the virtual world could physically affect the real world. Continue reading Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale [BD 1080p]→
The Neuroi, an enemy of mankind, suddenly appeared mainly in Europe in the 1930s. Only girls with special magical powers called Witches could confront the Neuroi who were difficult to destroy with ordinary weapons. Continue reading Brave Witches [HEVC | BD 1080p | BD 720p]→
Synopsis for: Sekai Seifuku Bouryaku no Zvezda | World Conquest Zvezda Plot | Sekai Seifuku - Bōryaku no Zvezda (Winter 2014)
Junior High student Jimon Asuta is in a fix. He had a big fight with his dad and was kicked out of the house. With no money and no place to live he shares the last of the food with an unusual little girl he encounters. It turns out she is Venera the Great, the leader of the secret organization Zvezda and committed to conquering the world. At first he thinks it is just a little girl's fantasy, but strange events with weird technology soon prove that Zvezda is, in fact, for real. Continue reading Sekai Seifuku Bouryaku no Zvezda [HEVC | BD 1080p | BD 720p]→