Synopsis for: Okashi na Tensei
Pastry Mille Morteln, a young boy born into a noble family in a harsh fantasy world, holds a curious secret: he's the reincarnated soul of a talented yet unfulfilled pâtissier. Torn between his noble duties and his passion for sweets, Pastry embarks on a delightful adventure. With his magical talents and baking expertise, he strives to improve his impoverished territory, win over hearts with delectable treats, and one day, build a land overflowing with happiness and the irresistible magic of sweets. But navigating courtly intrigue, bandit attacks, and his own unconventional desires, Pastry discovers a bittersweet journey awaits, where the path to a world of sugar and smiles is paved with unexpected challenges and hidden powers. Join Pastry as he sprinkles joy, rewrites expectations, and proves that even in the toughest terrain, the sweetest dreams can rise. Continue reading Okashi na Tensei [BD 1080p] → |
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