Synopsis for: Majokko Shimai no Yoyo to Nene (Winter 2013/14)
Yoyo and Nene, two mischievous witch sisters known for their unique skill of curse-breaking, live in a fantastical world brimming with magic. Their lives take a curious turn when a mysterious tree appears, transporting Yoyo to a strange land filled with towering buildings and unfamiliar faces. Lost and confused, she stumbles upon two children whose parents have fallen under a terrible curse. Determined to help, Yoyo must find a way to bridge the gap between her magical world and this new one, with her sister Nene close behind. Together, they face thrilling adventures, hilarious mishaps, and heartwarming encounters, all while learning valuable lessons about the true meaning of magic, friendship, and the power of sisterhood. Continue reading Majokko Shimai no Yoyo to Nene [BD 1080p | BD 720p] → |
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