Synopsis for: Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru (Fall 2018)
In the dusty halls of Kansei University's dilapidated Chikusei-so dorm, a ragtag team of misfits find themselves united by an unlikely dream: running the prestigious Hakone Ekiden relay marathon. Kakeru, a fallen track star burdened by guilt, meets the exuberant Haiji, a charismatic dreamer who sees not just runners, but raw potential in the dorm's motley crew of delinquents, gamers, and burnout academics. Together, they embark on a hilarious and heartwarming journey of sweat, self-discovery, and camaraderie, pushing their limits to conquer not just the grueling race, but the demons within themselves. This is a story about defying expectations, proving the power of teamwork, and rediscovering the joy of running as the wind whips past, urging them all to reach for the finish line. Continue reading Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru [BD 1080p] → |
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