Synopsis for: Juushinki Pandora (Spring 2018)
In the desolate aftermath of an energy disaster known as the Xianglong Crisis, humanity teeters on the brink. Bizarre creatures called B.R.A.I., fusions of flesh and metal, roam the ravaged Earth, posing a constant threat. Enter Leon Lau, a young man with a knack for technology, and his sister Chloe, struggling to survive in a secluded village. Their peaceful life shatters when they encounter a powerful B.R.A.I., leading them to join the Pandora Unit, a group piloting giant mechs called M.O.E.V.s in a desperate fight for humanity's future. As Leon and his newfound companions face brutal B.R.A.I. attacks and uncover the secrets of the Xianglong Crisis, they must not only master their M.O.E.V.s but also confront the harsh realities of a world forever changed, where the line between machine and human is ever-blurring. Buckle up for Juushinki Pandora, a thrilling journey of survival, mecha action, and the enduring spirit of humanity against overwhelming odds. Continue reading Juushinki Pandora [BD 1080p] → |
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