Synopsis for: Meitou "Isekai no Yu" Kaitakuki: Around 40 Onsen Mania no Tensei Saki wa, Nonbiri Onsen Tengoku deshita (Winter 2023/24)
Yoshizo Yukawa, a man dedicated to the pursuit of the perfect hot spring, finds himself in an unexpected predicament after a fateful fall. Thankfully, an Inari deity, a spirit of harvest, grants him a second chance in a fantastical world teeming with magic and mythical creatures. Reborn with his unwavering love for hot springs intact, Yoshizo embarks on a new quest alongside the Inari's attendant, Mayudama. Together, they journey across this wondrous realm, seeking out legendary hot springs rumored to possess unique restorative properties. Along the way, they encounter friendly elves, furry-eared folk, and a cast of colorful characters, all eager to experience the rejuvenating power of a good soak. With each steaming pool they discover, Yoshizo not only introduces the concept of hot springs to this new world, but also fosters unexpected friendships and brings a touch of relaxation to this fantastical land. Continue reading Isekai Onsen Paradise [1080p 720p] → |
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