Synopsis for: Hakkenden - Touhou Hakken Ibun (Winter 2012 - Summer 2013)
In a fantastical alternate Taisho era Japan, shrouded in mystery and superstition, fate brings together Shino, a young woman harboring a powerful sword within her, and Sosuke, a cunning merchant with a hidden past. Their seemingly unrelated lives collide when they're thrust into a dangerous quest: reunite eight mystical beads imbued with ancient virtues and awaken the legendary warriors known as the Eight Dogs of the East. As they journey across sprawling landscapes, facing formidable enemies and unraveling cryptic secrets, Shino and Sosuke uncover their own destinies intertwined with the fate of the land. Will they successfully gather the Dogs and restore balance, or will darkness consume the world they fight to protect? Continue reading Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun [BD 1080p] → |
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