Synopsis for: Farmagia (Winter 2025)
Within the verdant landscapes of Else-Terra, humans and magical creatures known as Farmagia coexist, their lives intertwined through the practice of farming and magic. This unique bond allows humans to cultivate mystical plants and harness their power, shaping the very fabric of their society. However, the delicate balance between humans and Farmagia is threatened when mysterious incidents begin to plague the land, causing unrest and disrupting the harmonious relationship they once shared. A young man named Ten, who dreams of becoming a renowned Farmagia master like his father, finds himself caught in the midst of this growing turmoil. Alongside his childhood friend and a peculiar Farmagia companion, Ten embarks on a journey to uncover the source of the disturbances and restore peace to Else-Terra. This adventure will lead them to encounter various characters, discover hidden truths about their world, and ultimately test the strength of their bonds with both humans and Farmagia. As they delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding them, they will need to confront not only external threats but also the internal struggles that arise when faced with difficult choices and the weight of responsibility. Continue reading Farmagia [1080p] (Ongoing) → |
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