Synopsis for: Botsuraku Yotei no Kizoku dakedo, Hima Datta kara Mahou wo Kiwametemita (Winter 2025)
A young nobleman, destined for ruin due to his family's circumstances, finds himself with an abundance of free time. Instead of wallowing in despair or plotting to change his fate, he decides to dedicate himself to mastering magic. With no real purpose other than personal interest and a desire to alleviate his boredom, he delves into the arcane arts, diligently studying and practicing various spells and techniques. His dedication to magic becomes a central focus of his life, leading him down unexpected paths and introducing him to a variety of characters. As he continues to hone his magical abilities, the impending downfall of his house looms in the background, but for the time being, his focus remains firmly on his magical pursuits, leading to unforeseen consequences and a life quite different from what was expected. This journey of self-improvement through magic will bring him to new heights he never imagined. Continue reading Botsuraku Yotei no Kizoku dakedo, Hima Datta kara Mahou wo Kiwametemita [1080p] (Ongoing) → |
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