Synopsis for: Back Arrow (Winter 2020-21)
Lingalind, a land sheltered by a vast, enigmatic Wall, faces constant tension between the technologically advanced Lutoh and the warrior-driven Rekka. One day, a mysterious amnesiac named Back Arrow emerges from a capsule outside the Wall, possessing a powerful mech unlike any from Lingalind. Fuelled by the sole memory of coming "from beyond the Wall," Back Arrow embarks on a journey to uncover his past, navigating the political turmoil and warring ideals of this divided land. Little does he know, his arrival sets in motion a chain of events that will challenge the very foundation of Lingalind's existence. Join Back Arrow as he uncovers the secrets of his identity, confronts hidden truths, and fights for a future where both reason and strength can coexist. Continue reading Back Arrow [BD 1080p] → |
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