If there are any Puush users here, just recently there was a malware update(r94). It is unconfirmed but it may have been a keylogger. It is recommended to change all passwords you have used/have been logged on with since you got the update.
While the update was only available for 2 hours, that is still enough time to cause damage. You can read more information on their twitter which suggests waiting for the r100 update or to uninstall and use the cleaner tool. https://twitter.com/puushme/
- Right now you can only download our newest releases on MEGA!
- Most of our downloads are available through our previous Gigabit server until the 18th of this month, but NOT the new uploads, uploaded in the past 2 days
- You can also get the torrent files from the Dropbox collection.
- The new, “main” server will be back on the 1st of September, otherwise we’d have to pay 5000 EUR for this month (after 2 days we already have to pay 250 EUR).
- The price we have paid for the new server is the cost for the next month, but we’ll have to pay also 250 EUR until the end of this month instead. Please consider donating if you can.
Unfortunately I(zet) have had to turn the server off for now as our host(the one we just switched to) likes to screw people over. Even though I’ve already paid for the server, it turns out that it’s used for next month. The money I have to pay for the first month is 0.05 euro per GB. Right now I have to pay 249.63 euro. And this is something I can’t afford at all. I apologize to anyone who was currently downloading when I flicked the switch, but I hope you understand how serious this is.
We need donations now, more than ever, otherwise all of our work, and the encodes will be probably lost after two years, and I’m not sure what will happen to Hi10 if that happens.
For now, since it’s very important you can also donate for us on PayPal, if you send us an e-mail I can tell where to send it. Also, a big thanks for everyone who donated already !!!
As of 2013/08/01 12:00 AM PST, server speed is back.
We currently have monthly 10 TB bandwidth, so the download speeds are set to 50 kB/s. We have to pay more if we exceed this traffic limit, so everything depends on the donations. If we get more donations and we can pay the bandwidth for 50 TB download speeds will be set to 200 kB/s, and with 100 TB bandwidth we can set it to 400-500 kB/s.
To help us not reach our bandwidth limit so quickly, please consider using torrents! Torrent download speeds are also usually faster, than DDL.
Also, be sure to check out aborwx's Guides: if you want to learn how to make Hi10 Anime encodes among other things, and our IRC channel guide by Zash if you want to use the IRC.

Plot Summary
In the future world, people use ‘Toys’ that grant them superhuman abilities like ESP and telekinesis. This has led to a boom in both minor crimes and the need for Toy-using detectives to track down the offenders and bring them to justice. Opera Koyabashi runs the detective agency, Milky Holmes, staffed by four cheerful and energetic girls.
Continue reading Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai-Ni-Maku [10-bit, 720p] →

Plot Summary
The school adventure story revolves around Kaito, a puzzle-loving freshman at the private high school named "Root Academy." He is selected as a candidate for "Phi Brain" for his extraordinary mental skills. One day, he and his childhood friend Nonoha tackle the "unsolvable puzzle" hidden in the underground ruins near the school. They are guided by the mobile device given to Kaito by the student council president.
Continue reading Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle [10-bit, 720p] →
High Quality 10-bit Anime Encodes