After Megaupload, Fileserve, Filesonic, and other filehosts were closed (with all of our links deleted) we've got our own server, and providing free DDLs for everyone, mostly from our own money, but as servers aren't cheap we won't be able to continue this any more... As you can see we've posted a donations bar to the right side of the page, but even though we already have thousands of visitors/day sadly we don't get enough money ($100/month), to maintain the server any more... last month it was even paid by one of our encoders, because we don't want to close down, if possible...
We'd decided to post a poll about this, please fill it out!

Hi! As far as I’ve seen you are probably one of very few groups who does miniMKV right, so I really like your releases, but I’d rather to use torrent instead of DDL.
Hi, we’re releasing torrents always from finished series.
well torrent is also good.. and its free.. =]
The problem is that when we’re posting something to torrents there are always some users who’re writing comments that they can’t download torrents, it’s blocked, etc, also torrents need to be seeded too, there are usually other seeders for our batch torrents, but for single eps… I don’t think there would be too much.
Single eps initially there will be seeds for sure, but gradually they will lessen. How about for a show, keep updating the same torrent when the ep releases? is that possible?
Some people download our encodes specifically because they have a problem with BitTorrent. I’d rather not exclude them.
Then please donate 10 USD so we can pay the bills.
i think just add adfly on every your link, it doesn’t matter for us.
Well, most people have ad-blocker on their browsers which cause error in the number of click received. Example : There are 900 people click the adf.ly link but the adf.ly server get less then 900 click due to ad-blocker. Linkbuck also encounter this sort of problem. X(
it’s so sad if you’re closing down. though i can’t donate money, i do what i can. clicking adflys, keep seeding completed torrents ….
how to donate via sms? hope it could work with my provider, otherwise i’d need to find someone who approve exchanges between real money and paypal money.
Kanri added an SMS donation service, but that is still under testing… it is OneBip, under the donations menu.
too bad… my phone service isn’t listed on onebip
I’m gonna think another way, sorry
I love this site. Most anime I watch are here (actually, everything this season). It’s the conversion rip-offs that I hate. PayPal refuses to let me pay with USD because I don’t live in the US, and their rates are ridiculous. Especially for a jobless student like me.
How about alternative download sites? Mediafire has been back for a while, and your files are usually small enough. And Otakucop uses a very wide range of hosts (granted, they also have a lot of ads). Rapidgator, Uploadstation, Hotfiles, etc.
Another option could be to freelance for the fansubbing groups directly, especially the ones who offer ddl, and then recopy the links here? Most of them encode in hi10 anyway, but most aren’t very good at it.
Mediafire has taken to deleting files after only a short time which leads to people telling us that we need to reupload it. It gets annoying. Pretty much all download sites seem to suck since the crackdown on Megaupload scared them.
It’s not that the fansub groups aren’t good at hi10, it’s that their encoders are too concerned with having perfect picture quality while we understand that using Hi10, a relatively small degradation in image quality will result in a huge decrease in file size. That seems a great trade to us, but not to them.
+ Mediafire start to ban their customer account who had violated term and services. Hotfile delete licensed anime much faster than mediafire.
15 April: Most of the old Rapidshare link in hi10anime is still downloadable. Rapidshare is more safer to upload anime but slow download speed for those who don’t have premium account.
Jpddl seems to be able to get around the deletion by putting its stuff into a .rar or .zip with non-specific names. To boot, they put a password on the archive
If I may post links, here are examples of stuff that have been there for a month:
Do you know any better service than PayPal? (we also have Moneybookers, Alertpay, but I don’t know if they’re better for you, or not)
just suggestion, maybe you can make announcement like this.
“please deactivate adblocker on your browser before download or donate this site so this site will not be shutdown”
just suggestion, maybe you can make announcement like this.
“please deactivate adblocker on your browser before download and clicking adfly or donate this site so this site will not be shutdown”
Just asking…
If i am using jdownloader… Which makes me able to dl without going to adfly page directly… Will i still be able to support this site?
No, but if you open the link in the browser, and you don’t download there, instead in JDownloader, you can support that way.
Ok, i am gonna do that 🙂
one more question…
Is it okay as long as i open the link in the browser or should i click skip ad too?
How will you get paid? By me clicking the “Skip Ad” button or visit the site advertised?
Clicking “Skip Ad” is enough!
i think adfly is a good idea for oyu guys, but would it be okay if you put it on every normal link on the site, but not on the downloadlinks themselves? i think its somehow interefering with Jdownloader.
That isn’t why JDownloader doesn’t work, we’ve disabled hotlinking to the site a few hours ago, because other websites stole our links without permissions, and partly that’s why the bandwidth usage was very high (and the site was slow), if we would enable JDownloader downloads that also means that other sites could steal our links… so for now links can be only downloaded directly from the website!
This is why people cannot have nice things.
ohh so that was the reason. well, in that case everything’s okay, its not like i cant life witotu Jdownloader xD