Loosely based on the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", modern day Japan sees a similar struggle for power between different rival schools with the three strongest being: Kyosho Academy led by Sousou Moutoku, Nanyo Academy by Sonsaku Hakufu, and Ryuubi Gentoku from Seito High School. Together these three tousei, each with their own mangatama, fight for the honour of becoming ikki tousen and fulfilling their fated destiny through battle and conquest. Continue reading Ikkitousen: Dragon Destiny [DVD 480p, Dual Audio] |
Genshiken 2 [DVD 480p, Dual Audio]
Genshiken [DVD 480p, Dual Audio]
Blue Gender [DVD 480p, Dual Audio]
Plot Summary
Yuji Kaido was diagnosed with a serious disease and cryogenically frozen. He wakes up more than 20 years later--and Earth is nothing like what he remembers.
Continue reading Blue Gender [DVD 480p, Dual Audio]
Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter [10-bit, 720p]
Pale Cocoon [DVD 480p]
A future where the continuity of history has broken off, a world of enormous ruins that continues endlessly. Oceans and continents have vanished, existing only within the archives brought up from the remains. Ura works in the Archive Excavation Department, which restores and analyzes the data left behind. One day, he finds a disturbing visual record... Continue reading Pale Cocoon [DVD 480p] |
Trigun – Collection [DVD 480p – BD 720p]
Vash the Stampede is a gunman on the run with a 60 billion double dollar bounty on his head which has made it difficult for him to go anywhere without being chased and shot at. Every town he ever visits ends up being destroyed because of his pursuers, but miraculously no one ever gets killed. Meryl and Milly are two insurance agents that have been sent to find Vash the Stampede and keep him under surveillance so no more damage is caused. Meryl, who leads the pair, refuses to believe that the man they have met can possibly be the legendary gunman. This spikey haired, gangly, young man is extremely friendly, a pacifist, hates blood and suicide, absolutely loves donuts, and is a dork and a crybaby (far from a notorious outlaw). But there is more to Vash and his past than meets the eye. Continue reading Trigun – Collection [DVD 480p – BD 720p] |
Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike (2009) [BD 720p]
Plot summary
Ten years after the Great War against the demon-beasts, the empire rules over the world and prosperity relies on the massive use of aer. Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo are two young men who have just enrolled the ranks of the prestigious Imperial Knights. One day, they are sent to the town of Ceazontania, where abnormal aer activity has reportedly caused the proliferation of horribly mutated beasts, with serious threat for the whole region.
Continue reading Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike (2009) [BD 720p]
H2O-Footprint In The Sand [10-bit, 720p]
Plot Summary
Takuma Hirose is a blind young male high school student, though the cause for his blindness is undetermined. In order to heal ---- Continue reading H2O-Footprint In The Sand [10-bit, 720p]