Synopsis for: Shinsekai Yori | From the New World | Shin Sekai Yori (Summer 2012)
In the future Japan has become a fractured country, and small towns now exist. The rulers of this world have the cursed power of Telekinesis. When an incident occurs, 5 children come to realize the world is not as it seems, and learn the bloody history behind this world. These 5 children unite and help the world as it falls into a downward spiral of chaos. Continue reading Shinsekai Yori | From the New World [BD 720p | BD 1080p, Dual Audio]→
In the distant future, a mysterious floating object appears suddenly in the center of the city. The top secret mission unit "Alta Mira Agency" or AA is comissioned by the Defense Agency to deal with this mysterious invader. In charge of the robot training is Hunagai Otsuya. He must choose one of the girls to recieve special training which she will recieve in secret. They must use the "Battle Soles" to push back the enemy even at the cost of their lives. Continue reading Tenkuu Danzato Skelter Heaven | Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven [DVD 480p]→
Synopsis for: Mars of Destruction | Hametsu No Mars (Summer 2005)
Some time after a space mission to Mars ends in destruction, strange monsters called "Ancients" begin appearing around Tokyo. A group of specialists consisting of three girls and one troubled young boy must fight the Ancients until they can come to understand exactly what it is they are fighting. When one of the Ancients tells them that they are the true invaders of Earth, they must search within themselves to grasp what truly is reality. Continue reading Mars of Destruction | Hametsu No Mars [DVD 480p]→
Synopsis for: Kuro to Kin no Hirakanai Kagi. | Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi. (Winter 2013)
Katagiri Kanade is a hikikomori who spent her days lazing off in her room. Her specialty is her broad imagination which often leads to various wild delusions. One night a weird cowboy guy appeared in her dream, saying that he's her heart's hero. Due to his encouragement, Kanade decided to try and go have a haircut the next day. It was then when she met a mysterious guy who cut her hair in the park, giving her courage to resume her school days. Continue reading Kuro to Kin no Hirakanai Kagi. | Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi. [396p]→
Genius bartender, Ryu Sasakura makes the most incredible cocktails anyone has ever tasted. Seeking his "Glass of God", individuals from all different walks of life visit his bar. With both a compassionate ear and a godly drink, Ryu helps people with their problems. Continue reading Bartender | Barman [396p – 720p]→
Synopsis for: Shounan Jun'ai-gumi! | Shonan Junai-gumi! | Pure Love Gang of Shonan (Winter 1994)
Follows the adventures of Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma together known as Oni-Baku, Shonan's strongest fighting duo as they try to lose their virginities, while trying to survive through high-school. The series is considered the prequel to GTO showing Onizuka as a teenager before he became the world's greatest teacher. Continue reading Great Teacher Onizuka | Shounan Jun’ai-gumi! – Collection [480p, Dual Audio]→
After being brutally murdered along with her family, Makina Hoshimura turns into a Shikabane Hime, a living corpse contracted to the Kougon Cult, in order to exert revenge on the mysterious undead organization responsible for her death. She is assisted in this task by Keisei Tagami, her contracted priest and former friend. This is the story of Keisei's younger brother Ouri, a boy with an unusual attraction to death, who slowly discovers his brother's secret and gets dragged into the world of the Shikabane. Continue reading Shikabane Hime | Corpse Princess – Collection [480p – 720p]→