Grotesque, Godzilla-like monsters called "kaijuu" have been appearing around Japan for many years. To combat these beasts, an elite military unit known as the Defense Corps risks their lives daily to protect civilians. Once a creature is killed, "sweepers"—working under the Professional Kaijuu Cleaner Corporation—are left to dispose of its remains. Continue reading Kaiju No. 8 Series [HEVC, 1080P]→
Takumi, a gifted chef, was just let go from his job. He lands a gig at an old boarding house called Astro-sou but hesitates to accept after learning he must also live there full-time. That is until he meets the beautiful and charming caretaker, Mira, and he is sold. The two begin to work together, and their connection deepens. But Mira has a secret: she is not from this world! Continue reading Astro Note [HEVC, 1080p]→
When the Monster Army invaded Earth thirteen years ago, the Divine Dragon Rangers rose up to stop them! With the war raging on, these great heroes are mankind’s last hope!
...or are they?
In truth, the invaders were subjugated within a year, forced to continue to crank out a monster a week for the Rangers to crush in front of their adoring fans! But one monster has had enough. Something has to change! He’ll rebel against the might of the Dragon Rangers and destroy them all...from the inside! (kodansha)
This is a young girl's story. She is naive and enquisitive about the world. However, a tragic accident altered her life. Her loved ones abandoned her, leaving her alone and despondent. She adopted boxing as a means of expressing her inner pain. But she had no idea how tough and hazardous this journey would be. Continue reading Ringing Fate [1080p]→
In a world reshaped by an unspecified ecological collapse, the tides have risen, swallowing coastal cities whole. Humanity dwindles, living a simpler life amidst the melancholic beauty of a changed world. In this twilight of the human age, a lone coffee shop stands sentinel south of what was once Yokohama. Here, Alpha, a charming and ever-polite android, runs the cafe, her days filled with the quiet hum of brewing coffee and the occasional customer. A gift of a camera awakens a new curiosity within Alpha, prompting her to capture fleeting moments - a blossoming flower, a child's laughter, the sun setting over a half-submerged cityscape. As Alpha clicks through her limited roll of film, the story unfolds, a gentle exploration of a world both hauntingly familiar and strangely serene, where a solitary android experiences the quiet beauty of a bygone era and ponders the essence of existence in a humanity's twilight. Continue reading Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou | Quiet Country Cafe [DVD 576p]→
In a future where a divided Japan exists under the control of foreign powers, the weight of occupation hangs heavy. A young scavenger named Amou scrapes by in this harsh reality, his hidden talent for tinkering a flicker of defiance. When he unearths a powerful relic – a giant robot known as an AMAIM – and an artificial intelligence awakens by his side, Amou finds himself thrust into a fight for his homeland's freedom. Now, he must grapple with the burdens of responsibility and the true cost of war as he joins the resistance, piloting the AMAIM and becoming a symbol of hope in the struggle to reclaim a shattered nation. Continue reading Kyoukai Senki [BD 1080p]→
In a world where humans and androids coexist, Rouge is an android girl, who is on a mission on Mars with her partner Naomi. The mission is to murder nine artificial humans who are hostile to the government. Continue reading Metallic Rouge [HEVC, 1080P]→