The story revolves around Yuuki Kagami, a boy who enrolls in the academy of his dreams as a honors student — and is mistakenly put in the girls' dormitory where boys are prohibited. Faced with the possibility of having to leave the school, Yuuki has to dress up as a girl in the dormitory. On top of things, he ends up rooming with the female teacher Ayana Kakinozaka, who has to watch over him. Continue reading Asa Made Jugyou Chu! [10-bit|BD 720p|BD 1080p] |
Tag Archives: School
Blood-C [10-bit, BD 720p]
Softenni [10-bit, BD 720p]
Plot Summary
Asuna Harukaze is a girl who loves tennis to the point where she practices her swings with a pitchfork while working on the family farm. At school she is a member of the Soft Tennis Club along with the enthusiastic Kotone, food-crazy Chitose and bizarre yet talented Kurusu. With a big tournament approaching, the girls are taking practice more seriously than ever... Continue reading Softenni [10-bit, BD 720p]