Synopsis for: Monsters - Ippyaku Sanjou Hiryuu Jigoku ONA
Renowned swordsman Ryuuma, seeking a quiet life after past battles, crosses paths with O-Tama, a young woman seeking revenge for a dragon's destruction of her village. Drawn into her plight, Ryuuma must reconcile his peaceful desires with the warrior spirit that still burns within. Their journey leads them through breathtaking landscapes, facing cunning bandits and formidable creatures, all while confronting the dragon's fiery wrath. This standalone story, crafted by legendary manga creator Eiichiro Oda, explores themes of duty, redemption, and the enduring power of human connection, promising an epic adventure and emotional depth within its single episode. Continue reading Monsters – Ippyaku Sanjou Hiryuu Jigoku (ONA) [1080p]→
Suzu Naito, a shy teenager confined by the quietude of her rural village, finds solace in the vibrant online world of "U." As Belle, her digital avatar, she blossoms into a globally adored singer, her voice reaching millions yet masking her anxieties in the real world. When a mysterious, beast-like figure known as the Dragon disrupts U's peace, Suzu embarks on a fantastical quest to uncover his identity, grappling with online fame, personal struggles, and the power of her own voice in a world where reality and virtual life collide. Be prepared for breathtaking visuals, soaring songs, and a heartwarming journey of self-discovery as Suzu learns to face her fears, embrace her true self, and find the courage to sing loud, both online and off. Continue reading Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime [BD 1080p]→
Centuries ago, a powerful demon named Zenki aided a legendary monk in eradicating evil. Sealed away ever since, his slumber is disturbed by a rising darkness: Seeds of Karuma, the very essence of that ancient evil, begin corrupting people's desires, transforming them into monstrous Shadows. Unwittingly awakened by Chiaki, a descendant of the monk, Zenki finds himself reborn in a rebellious, pint-sized form. Now, bound to Chiaki by a mystical bracelet, this unlikely duo must unite their contrasting styles - Chiaki's studious resolve and Zenki's impulsive fury - to confront the Shadows, devour the Seeds, and prevent the return of true darkness. Get ready for an action-packed ride as they navigate a world where monstrous desires lurk around every corner, pushing their limits and learning the true meaning of teamwork in this thrilling battle between humans and demons. Continue reading Zenki [DVD 480p]→
Beneath the shimmering grace of Heian-kyo's capital, darkness festers. Crimson moons bathe the city in haunting twilight, unleashing monstrous Horrors that prey on human souls. While the privileged bask in a shimmering barrier, commoners cower in the shadows. Yet, hope flickers in the hearts of unlikely heroes. Raikou, a young man burdened by destiny, cannot wield the ancient Garo armor alone. He relies on Seimei, a Makai Alchemist who channels her potent magic to transform him into the legendary armored warrior. Alongside a loyal young boy named Kintoki, they rise against the tide of horrors, protecting the vulnerable from the crimson moon's sinister embrace. But a looming evil lurks, twisting shadows and manipulating desires, threatening to plunge the city into an eternal night. Can the Garo's light pierce the darkness before Heian-kyo succumbs to the Crimson Moon's curse? Continue reading Garo – Crimson Moon [BD 1080p]→
Synopsis for: Garo the Animation / Garo: Honoo no Kokuin (Fall 2014)
In a world shadowed by the flames of prejudice and fear, a dark legacy ignites anew. Leon, a young man born from the pyre of a witch-hunt, carries within him the searing power of the legendary Garo armor. Guided by his mysterious father and haunted by the ghosts of the past, Leon embarks on a perilous quest. He must master his fiery powers, confront the twisted forces of darkness known as Horrors, and unravel a conspiracy that threatens to engulf the kingdom in chaos. But can he rise from the ashes of tragedy to become the Golden Knight Garo, defender of the innocent and symbol of hope in a world consumed by fear? Continue reading Garo the Animation [BD 1080p]→
Synopsis for: Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou (Winter 2023)
On the outside, otome villainess Liselotte seems foul in every way, a purely evil character. However, as revealed in her diary, she was always hiding both her pain and her true feelings for Prince Siegward. While she keeps this locked away, an evil witch ultimately possesses her, leading to her demise—a tragic end for the tsundere villainess. This is how the story always goes, an end coded into the game MagiKoi.
Broadcasting club members Aoto Endou and Shihono Kobayashi decide to play this game. In another universe, Prince Siegward hears their voices, believing it to be a divine revelation from a god and goddess. These voices clue him into something he never noticed before: Liselotte is actually overwhelmingly adorable!
There are no resets in this game, and just one chance to change the future for the ill-fated villainess. In years to come, these two entities, who would guide the country to prosperity and greatness, would be known as play-by-play Endou and color commentator Kobayashi! Continue reading Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou [HEVC | BD 1080p | BD 720p]→