Plot Summary
The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing black lace panties. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits of [these kinds of] underwear" via an underwear club with her schoolmates, who are worried about their bodies' development and which underwear to choose. Continue reading Chu-Bra!! [10-bit, BD 720p]→
Synopsis for: Asa Made Jugyou Chu! - 01 | Asa made Jugyō Chu! (Spring 2012)
The story revolves around Yuuki Kagami, a boy who enrolls in the academy of his dreams as a honors student — and is mistakenly put in the girls' dormitory where boys are prohibited. Faced with the possibility of having to leave the school, Yuuki has to dress up as a girl in the dormitory. On top of things, he ends up rooming with the female teacher Ayana Kakinozaka, who has to watch over him. Continue reading Asa Made Jugyou Chu! [10-bit|BD 720p|BD 1080p]→
Plot Summary Asuna Harukaze is a girl who loves tennis to the point where she practices her swings with a pitchfork while working on the family farm. At school she is a member of the Soft Tennis Club along with the enthusiastic Kotone, food-crazy Chitose and bizarre yet talented Kurusu. With a big tournament approaching, the girls are taking practice more seriously than ever... Continue reading Softenni [10-bit, BD 720p]→