Synopsis for: Shachou, Battle no Jikan desu!
In a world fueled by mysterious portals leading to monstrous dungeons, businesses thrive by sending trained adventurers to gather a vital energy called Kirakuri. Enter Minato, a young man unexpectedly inheriting the struggling Kibou Company. Now the president, Minato has his hands full leading a quirky team of adventurers: a stoic knight, a mischievous mage, and a bubbly healer. With competition fierce and challenges lurking in every dungeon, Minato must navigate both corporate rivalries and monster mayhem to turn Kibou into a Kirakuri powerhouse! Will his business acumen and newfound family of adventurers be enough to overcome the odds and rise to the top in this thrilling tale of battling beasts and boardrooms? Get ready for an action-packed adventure where every day is "Battle Time!" in Shachou, Battle no Jikan desu! Continue reading Shachou, Battle no Jikan desu! [BD 1080p] → |
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