Synopsis for: Koi wa Ameagari no You ni (Winter 2018)
In the quiet town of Matsumoto, high school student Akira Tachibana navigates the bittersweet sting of loss. Once a promising athlete, a career-ending injury tore away her dreams of running. Now, she finds solace in the warm comfort of a local family diner, working part-time alongside the manager, Masami Kondou. A middle-aged divorcee and aspiring novelist, Masami carries his own burdens, hidden beneath a gentle and compassionate demeanor. As their paths cross amidst the clinking plates and quiet conversations, they begin to forge an unlikely connection. Drawn to each other's quiet vulnerabilities and unspoken dreams, Akira and Masami embark on a journey of healing and rediscovery, navigating the delicate complexities of age, responsibility, and the tender yearning for a love that blossoms, unbidden, like a flower after the rain. Continue reading Koi wa Ameagari no You ni [BD 1080p] → |
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