Plot Summary
The story follows Risa, a girl with zero experience in romance. Meanwhile, a boy named Yuugure is the most popular student in Risa's school year. Even though the two have had no contact with each other in the past, they find themselves at school at the same time one night. Continue reading Nagareboshi Lens OVA [10-bit, DVD 480p]→
Plot Summary
Tamaki Kasuga has supposedly gone to live with her grandmother after her parents are transferred overseas. But the real reason for her arrival is that she must continue the role, handed down from her ancestor Princess Tamayori, to seal the sword Onikirimaru. Five young men serve as her guardians against the mysterious Logos. Continue reading Hiiro no Kakera [10-bit, 720p]→
Plot Summary
Nanami Takahashi welcomes the start of her high school life with great expectations of making as many friends as possible. There is much talk among the girls about a popular boy, Motoharu Yano, who has two-thirds of the girls in his middle school liking him. Continue reading Bokura ga Ita [10-bit, DVD 480p]→