Vatican City—Holy Land of the Catholics. Amidst the land, there is an organization that conducts rigorous investigations on "claims of miracles" from all over the world to ascertain their credibility. The organization is referred to as "Seito no Za" (Assembly of Saints) and the priests that belong there are called miracle investigators. Robert Nicholas, an ancient archive and cryptanalysis expert is partnered and good friends with Hiraga Josef Kou, a genius scientist. Together, the brilliant duo investigates the "miracles" and uncovers the incidents and conspiracies hidden behind them. Continue reading Vatican Kiseki Chousakan [10-BIT, 720P]→
At last, the Sanzou Party has arrived in India. In this foreign land, where the anomaly's influence runs rampant, their battles only heighten in their violence. And also awaiting them is their tragic fate from 500 years ago— What will they find at the end of their long and treacherous journey? Continue reading Saiyuuki Reload Blast! [10-bit | 720p | HEVC]→
Synopsis for: Kannazuki no Miko | Destiny of the Shrine Maiden (Fall 2004)
Kannazuki no Miko begins in the village of Mahoroba, where time passes slowly for both man and nature. Two students from the village's prestigious Ototachibana Academy might as well be night and day. Himeko is shy and unassertive, while Chikane is bold and elegant. Despite this, they love each other, and nothing can come between them, no matter how hard they try.
On the two girls' shared birthday, a sinister voice corrupts one of their friends into attacking them, and just when it seemed grimmest, the lunar and solar priestess powers that lay dormant in the two girls awaken, dispelling the evil. That was only the first hurdle, however. The two must now fend off the countless others who would threaten their well-being—even the people closest to them! Continue reading Kannazuki no Miko [10-BIT | DVD 576P]→
Mitsuha Miyamizu is a high school student in the rural countryside of Japan. Taki Tachibana is a teenager living in Tokyo. As a comet approaches Earth, their dreams and lives start getting entangled. One day Mitsuha wakes up as Taki. Taki one day wakes up as Mitsuha. For a few days they sporadically switch bodies until one afternoon they lose complete contact. MALContinue reading Kimi no Na wa. | Your Name. [BD 720p | BD 1080p | BD 2160p]→
The anime centers on two boys who were never meant to meet: Tsukamoto Tsukushi, who has no special skills but secretly hides a passionate heart, and Kazama Jin, an isolated soccer genius. On a stormy night, the two meet, and that meeting creates a whirlwind in the world of high school soccer. Continue reading DAYS [720p]→
Synopsis for: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn (Fall 2014) | Yona: The girl standing in the blush of dawn
King Il of Kouka, a land said in legends to have been founded by four dragons, has only one remaining heir, a daughter named Yona. She lives a happy life in the palace with her cousin Soo-won, who she loves in spite of her father's opposition to them marrying. Her life is turned upside down when Soo-won murders her father and steals the throne. Yona, with her childhood friend and bodyguard Hak, must retreat to gather allies and reclaim her place as ruler of the kingdom.[/s2If] Continue reading Akatsuki no Yona [BD 1080p | BD 720p | DVD 576p]→