All posts by Yuuhi

Hacked By Black Hat body{background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed;background-size:100% 100%;font-family:Calibri;margin-top:35px;}h1,h2{margin-top:.3em;margin-bottom:.3em;}h1.nprinsleyy{color:#00FFFF;}h2{color:#dbd9d9;}p.message_prinsley{color:#dbd9d9;margin-top:.25em;margin-bottom:.25em;font-size:16px;font-weight:unset;}.hubungi_prinsh{color:#00eb00;text-decoration:none;}.hubungi_prinsh:hover{color:red}.othermes_nprinsh{color:#dbd9d9;font-size:16px;}marquee.foonathanPrinsley{display:none;position: fixed; width: 100%; bottom: 0px; font-family: Tahoma; height: 20px; color: white; left: 0px; border-top: 2px solid darkred; padding: 5px; background-color: #000}Black Hat SadBlack Hat ? He is stupid and useless

R-15 [BD 1080p]


Synopsis for: R-15 (Summer 2011)
Takuto Akutagawa has a special ability for writing porn novels. He applies to Hirameki Gakuen, a high school which only accepts people with "unique" talent. Now he must chase his dream and direct his classmates to win an interclass competition—all while trying to create the prefect harem. Continue reading R-15 [BD 1080p]

Detroit Metal City [10-bit, BD 1080p]

Detroit Metal City

Plot Summary

Led by phallus-waiving terrorist-from-hell Johannes Krauser II (guitar/vocals,) and given pulsing, throbbing life by indestructible drummer Camus and bassist Alexander Jagi, Detroit Metal City is the hottest ticket on the concert circuit! There's just one catch. That "hottest ticket" is just a meal ticket, and beneath the makeup, these ultimate head-bangers Continue reading Detroit Metal City [10-bit, BD 1080p]